auto insurance funny

auto insurance funny

Is cheap auto insurance funny? You bet, especially when it's the topic of some of the most humorous TV ads ever. Of course, I am talking about those great commercials featuring the cavemen, and the slogan, "So Easy A Caveman Could Do It."

It gets me in stitches every time that poor caveman gets so offended, and then storms off or just looks like he's terribly put out. If you have seen those once, you have most likely seen them a thousand times, and they just keep bringing a smile to your face, don't they?

If you are like me, however, you do have to stop and wonder if calling one of those auto insurance companies (you know the ones I'm talking about) for a rate quote is truly the absolute best way to save all the money possible on your monthly car coverage premiums. Finally, I had to check it out for myself, and what I found may surprise you. It certainly surprised me.

I found out that you can indeed save a decent amount of cash when you call one of these insurance firms that advertises nationally. I also found out that this most likely isn't the BEST way to save all the money you could possible save. Why is that so? Let me explain.

When you call one of these large car insurers for a quote, and get their best price, what have you got? You have one rate to compare with your current premium. Unfortunately, that's just not enough to be sure that you really have saved as much money as you possibly can. You need to have more quotes to assure yourself of a true competitive comparison. So what do you do? Call another company? You could certainly try that, but each and every time you would have to repeat all of your personal info, and you would still only get one company's quote each time.

auto insurance funny

auto insurance funny


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